September 3, 2015

Posted by Beth on 3rd Sep 2015

Our shipping guy has been out sick all week, so things are backed up, not that that is unusual. Luckily, its the slow time of the year, and we are only behind by about 10 orders. Atlas 17,000 gallon tank cars arrived yesterday, so we should start shipping them out next week. Also we have started shipping the GGD modernized heavyweight cars. We should finish shipping them next week. In other news that most of you don't care about...I'm in Steel Magnolias for 3 more weeks of performances, Vocal jazz workshop and jazz ensemble started in August and go thru Dec., just picked up 2 singing gigs in Sept., back to doing stand-up about once a week, and, auditions for a number of shows coming up. Its all a lot of work, but worth it.